More resources

Higher Education Statistical Agency (HESA). Click here to find our more about the data used in this website – HESA data explained. For more information on the number of enrolments and for graduate destinations in figures have a look the HESA data online.

For up-to-date information on unemployment in the UK, have a look at the BBC unemployment tracker.

If you want to get more statistics on your local area try nomis and Neighbourhood Statistics.

The Futuretrack study, which is exploring the relationship between higher education, career decision-making and labour market opportunities. The research gives you a good idea of what gradautes do over the longer-term.

UCAS has lots of videos on applying to university, open days, choosing courses and a university. These have been designed for parents and are a great online resource.

Have a look at the University league tables to learn more about high and low status universities – League tables for subjects. Unistats also provides information and students rankings of particular courses and universities.

The Prospects website has career guides for a range of sectors, which include information on employment prospects, jobs, relevant courses and where to find out more. This a good place to start exploring graduate jobs, opportunities for further study and work placements.

Next Step provides a range of job profiles looking at duties, qualifications, skills and pay.

Prospects also produces a guide on what graduate employers are looking for in applicants. It is a really good idea to think about employer expectations to help your son/daughter secure employment after their graduation.

The iCould website provides a range of podcasts of employers, employees and young people talking about their experience of finding work and what it is like to be employed in a particular job.